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Joined: 01 Dec 2014
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:37 pm    Post subject: Mount error Reply with quote

Hi guys,
i'm trying to create an image bootable from scratch, but i fell in error right at the beginning :(.
I've created an image filled by zero with
dd if=/dev/zero of=deb.iso bs=1M count=2048

after that i've partitioning this file with
cfdisk deb.iso
and the resultant partition table is
Disk ../deb.iso: 2 GiB, 2147483648 bytes, 4194304 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x114cf359

Device      Boot  Start     End Sectors  Size Id Type
../deb.iso1 *      2048  718847  716800  350M 83 Linux
../deb.iso2      718848 4194303 3475456  1,7G 83 Linux

At this point i've create a block devices for each partition, so
losetup -o $((2048*512)) /dev/loop0 ../deb.iso
losetup -o $((718848*512)) /dev/loop1 ../deb.iso
then i formatted it in ext4
mkfs.ext4 /dev/loop0
mkfs.ext4 /dev/loop1
and until here everything goes right.
Now i decided to mount my formatted loop devices, so
mkdir root
mount /dev/loop1 root
cd root
mkdir boot
but when i give the command for mount the /dev/loop0, this give me back an error
mount /dev/loop0 boot
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error

       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail or so.

The permission of directory and the privilege for mount devices it's ok.
I also tried mount the partition without use losetup, directly from
mount -o loop,offset=$((2048*512)) -t ext4 ../deb.iso boot/
or format directly the partition with
mkfs.ext4 -E offset=$((2048*512)) deb.iso
but always is the same.

My dmesg said:
[ 3123.395788] JBD2: no valid journal superblock found
[ 3123.395796] EXT4-fs (loop0): error loading journal

Can someone help me with this damn trouble?? Thanks you very much
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Joined: 01 Dec 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How we are used to hear in computer science, Divide et impera!
I divided my deb.iso in 3 pices using dd. Remebering the partitions table
Gianlucode wrote:
Disk ../deb.iso: 2 GiB, 2147483648 bytes, 4194304 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x114cf359

Device      Boot  Start     End Sectors  Size Id Type
../deb.iso1 *      2048  718847  716800  350M 83 Linux
../deb.iso2      718848 4194303 3475456  1,7G 83 Linux
I use dd in this way
dd if=deb.img of=deb.img.mbr bs=512 skip=0 count=2048
dd if=deb.img of=deb.img.0 bs=512 skip=2048 count=716800
dd if=deb.img of=deb.img.1 bs=512 skip=718848
To be sure that i haven't corrupted something i've calculeted the md5 hash of this file and the original
cat deb.img.mbr deb.img.0 deb.img.1 | md5sum
md5sum deb.img

So i was able to format my partitions and then mount them
mkfs.ext4 deb.iso.0
mkfs.ext4 deb.iso.1
mkdir root
mount deb.iso.1 root
cd root
mkdir boot
mount ../deb.iso.0 boot
touch boot/test
cd ..
umount root/boot
umount root
I've reassembled the image
cat deb.img.mbr deb.img.0 deb.img.1 > deb_final.img
and obviously if i recalculate the md5 is different then the initaly deb.img because i formatted and wrote some file in these partitions.
md5sum deb.img
md5sum deb_final.img
To be sure, i've done the ultimately proof
sudo mount -o loop,offset=$((2048*512)) deb_final.img root
ls root
test  lost+found
Et voilà there is the file test as i aspected.
Now do not forget to umont the partition
sudo umount root

I hope that this post will be useful for someone in future. If you have other solution to the initial problem, write it below. :D
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 4:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

maybe a bit of necro-bump, but I'm just making some VM images, and here's a really neat trick that might be helpfull for others:

Creating big, sparse files quickly: dd if=/dev/null of=raw_disk.img bs=10GB seek=1 <-- create 10 GB disk image. Instantly.
mkfs.ext2 -E offset=1M raw_disk.img
mount -o offset=1M raw_disk.img target_directory <-- no need to create additional loops, mount will manage
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Joined: 13 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Neat trick szatox.

Could you expand a bit more on how you'd go on to use that in VM creation, and in particular how you finish it off and seal the image, such that it can be used, please?
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 11:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, the rest is pretty straight-forward (and a bit off topic), but perhaps describing it step by step will give me a kick to finaly script it... some day :)

The purpose of the following procedure is getting: "small image", "hosting a single application", "quickly". You can of course install whateer you want, but nothing you take for granted in case of regular installation is there by default. If you want dev or maintenance tools, you install them.

So, here it goes:

1) Create new, empty disk image (500MB in my case)
dd if=/dev/null of=raw_disk.img bs=500M seek=1
fdisk raw_disk.img <<< "o

w" # Well, I don't really need partitions, I just need bootable to make it parttable... or something :)
mkfs.ext2 -E offset=1M raw_disk.img

2) Prepare build environment:
mkdir build_root
cd build_root
tar xpf ../stage3.tbz
mount --bind /proc proc
mkdir usr/portage
mount --bind /usr/portage usr/portage
mount --bind /dev dev # <-- optional some packages throw errors if this is missing
mount --bind /usr/src usr/src # <-- also optional, same reason
mkdir target
mount ../raw_disk -o offset=1M target
chroot ./

3) change portage default opts (e.g. parallelism), masks, and USE flags to match your needs for this particular image
4) build things you want to include in the VM image - and the more important part: build time dependencies
emerge -abk <application>

5) Emerge base system. Yes, I know "build" flag is marked as "do not use it yourself", I still find it handy.
USE="build" emerge -bk --root=target --root-deps=rdeps baselayout
USE="make-symlinks" emerge -bk --root=target --root-deps=rdeps busybox
emerge -bk --root=target --root-deps=rdeps glibc
emerge -bk --root=target --root-deps=rdeps <application>
emerge -bk --root=target --root-deps=rdeps <your bootloader of choise>

6) Deal with missing config files!
chroot ./target
ln -s /proc/mounts /etc/mtab
6a) create new user/reset root password etc.
6b) create /etc/inittab allowing you access without login. Carefull: if you followed exacly, you're using busybox as init at this point, it has slightly different format thatn sysvinit
Create bootloader's config file, tell it you want to boot /boot/kernel root=/dev/sda1 with initrd /boot/initrd
Ceate your init script under /etc/init.d/rcS. Almost always it will contain at least those 3 lines, however you might want to add your application, eth0, sshd, hostname etc as well:
#! /bin/sh
ifconfig lo up
mount -o remount,rw /
Bad news is busybox offers vi instead of nano. Good news is we can exit second chroot and use nano from stage3.

7) copy kernel and initramfs
Exit chroot completly, it won't be needed anymore.
Copy kernel to boot directory. I'm lazy so I copy kernel and initramfs from my host. THat initramfs will take a lot of time during boot, but screw that, I'm too lazy to build kernel tuned for qemu
Oh, and create ./target/dev/null and ./target/dev/console. Or simply cp -a /dev/null /dev/console ./target/dev/

8) funny part now, system is ready, we should launch it, but it's still not bootable yet. We have to fix it! I'm pretty sure there is a better way to do that, but I don't feel like hunting it right now. Qemu however has other neat feature we can use: direct linux boot.
Before we proceed, we want to make sure we don't break filesystem before we even start. It would be best to umount /target at this point, but since it's still a draft and something might be missing, I decided to flush buffers with sync instead. Make sure you don't change anything while qemu is running:
qemu-system-x86_64 -kernel <path to your kernel file on host machine> -append root=/dev/sda1 -initrd <path to initramfs on host machine> -hda raw_disk.img
And.... once it boots, install bootloader from within your VM.
I'm used to grub1, so all it takes is:
grub-install /dev/sda (or something like that.... or interactively: grub -> root (hd0,0) -> setup (hd0) -> quit )
shutdown vm and try boot it from image this time:
qemu-system-x86_64 -hda raw_disk.img

Yeah... That's it. When you see it boot from image and greet you with command line, shut it down again and umount everything. If it doesn't... that's when you're relieved you haven't cleaned up your mountpoints yet.
Gotta stuff it into some script, make that init smarter and install bootloader without reboot (And without looping it over iSCSI :lol: it feels such an overkill) and some day it might even get usable ;)

Short explanation about that 2 step process: it is possible to build target system directly from host, and it is possible to simply convert stage 3 into target system. Using it as a build environment and only as a build environment provides the advantage of isolating build host from VM system.
We can have different profiles on build host and on VM, different masks, different everything as long as build host can run VM's binaries. At the same time, we don't emerge things we don't need inside the VM signifficantly reducing final size of our image.

Notice that I'm using binary packages whenever possible. Building packages for the first time might take hours, but then they will install to target in a few minutes. And since they are stored in shared /usr/portage on host, you can reuse some of them in other VMs. A notable example is glibc, which takes ages to build and will be used every single time you need anything not included in busybox.
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Joined: 13 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks szatox, that's a great write-up. :-)

I've only skim-read it atm, I need some sleep before I try and take it in properly.

I'm going to play with the installer again soon, as I need to do some cross-compile stuff; this is going to come in handy.

So, thanks again.
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