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[RISOLTO] - Net Eth1 caricata al boot non desiderata
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Joined: 27 Jun 2007
Posts: 796

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:40 pm    Post subject: [RISOLTO] - Net Eth1 caricata al boot non desiderata Reply with quote

Salve, ho un problemino con una scheda di rete e non riesco a trovare da nessuna parte il modo di toglierla, mi spiego meglio.
Questo problema mi pare sia emerso dopo essere passato all'ultimo kernel disponibile.

Sul mio PC ho due schede di rete: quella onboard che non funziona (eth1) e una pci a gigabit, intel (eth0).

Chiaramente mi interessa caricare la eth0 che è correttamente configurata, solo che da qualche giorno all'avvio il PC cerca di caricare anche la eth1 cercando un DHCP che puntualmente non trova e quindi la macchina viene rallentata da sto processo che resta lì un bel po'....

Il messaggio che vedo durante l'avvio della macchina è:
device initiated services: net.eth1 udev-postmount
do lot triumph tphcm ao chip do dung cho be vay cong so chan vay cong so nu quan ao thoi trang dep ao chip do so sinh loai khac cho be thoi trang cong so nu thoi trang cong so nu trang phuc cuoi
Ho fatto qualche ricerca, non so cosa sia sto udev-postmount e l'ho visto associato ad altri problemi che non c'entra con le schede di rete...

Rimango in attesa di consigli...

Last edited by lsegalla on Fri May 03, 2013 3:10 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 13 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

il tuo problema è relativo al controllo dei servizi in fase di boot che dipende da /etc/conf/rc e dagli script di init presenti nel tuo sistema (vedi /etc/init.d/net.eth* ed /etc/conf/net.eth* ).
se udev associa malamente i nomi ai tuoi dispositivi di rete (per esempio chiama eth0 la scheda che tu vorresti chiamare eth1 e vicerversa), controlla il contenuto del file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules .
puoi modificarlo a mano o toglierlo del tutto, affinchè si rigeneri automaticamente in modo diverso.
vu vu vu
mi piaci tu
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Joined: 27 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ho provato a sistemare /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ma credo di aver fatto peggio perchè non entravo neanche più in internet e in rete
Per me è sufficiente disabilitare eth1 e lavoro tranquillo...
ao lot triumph ao nguc do dung so sinh cho be vay cong so nu ban buon quan ao quan ao thoi trang han quoc ao lot nu do so sinh khac thoi trang cong so gia re thoi trang cong so gia re trang phuc co dien
Questo è il mio RC, ma non mi pare ci sia qualcosa fuori posto......

# /etc/conf.d/rc: Global config file for the Gentoo RC System

# This is the number of tty's used in most of the rc-scripts (like
# consolefont, numlock, etc ...)


# Set to "yes" if you want the rc system to try and start services
# in parallel for a slight speed improvement. NOTE: When RC_PARALLEL_STARTUP
# is enabled, init script output is replaced with simple "service foo
# starting/stopping" messages so that output is not mixed up.
# You can stop this from happening on the command line by passing --verbose
# to the init script or by setting RC_VERBOSE="yes" below.


# Set RC_INTERACTIVE to "yes" and you'll be able to press the I key during
# boot so you can choose to start specific services. Set to "no" to disable
# this feature.


# Do we allow services to be hotplugged? If not, set to RC_HOTPLUG="no"
# NOTE: This does not affect anything hotplug/udev related, just the
# starting/stopping of the init.d service triggered by hotplug.


# Dynamic /dev managers can trigger coldplug events which cause services to
# start before we are ready for them. If this happens, we can defer these
# services to start in the boot runlevel. Set RC_COLDPLUG="no" if you don't
# want this.
# NOTE: This also affects module coldplugging in udev-096 and higher
# If you want module coldplugging but not coldplugging of services then you
# can set RC_COLDPLUG="yes" and RC_PLUG_SERVICES="!*"


# Some people want a finer grain over hotplug/coldplug. RC_PLUG_SERVICES is a
# list of services that are matched in order, either allowing or not. By
# default we allow services through as RC_COLDPLUG/RC_HOTPLUG has to be yes
# anyway.
# Example - RC_PLUG_SERVICES="net.wlan !net.*"
# This allows net.wlan and any service not matching net.* to be plugged.


# RC_NET_STRICT_CHECKING allows some flexibility with the 'net' service.
# The following values are allowed:
# none - The 'net' service is always considered up.
# no - This basically means that at least one net.* service besides net.lo
# must be up. This can be used by notebook users that have a wifi and
# a static nic, and only wants one up at any given time to have the
# 'net' service seen as up.
# lo - This is the same as the 'no' option, but net.lo is also counted.
# This should be useful to people that do not care about any specific
# interface being up at boot.
# yes - For this ALL network interfaces MUST be up for the 'net' service to
# be considered up.


# RC_DOWN_INTERFACE allows you to specify if RC will bring the interface
# completely down when it stops. The default is yes, but there are some
# instances where you may not want this to happen such as using Wake On LAN.


# RC_VOLUME_ORDER allows you to specify, or even remove the volume setup
# for various volume managers (MD, EVMS2, LVM, DM, etc). Note that they are
# stopped in reverse order.

RC_VOLUME_ORDER="raid evms lvm dm"

# RC_VERBOSE will make init scripts more verbose. Only networking scripts
# really use this at this time, and this is useful for trouble shooting
# any issues you may have.
# This is also used to re-enable init script output for init scripts
# started or stopped from the command line.


# RC_BOOTLOG will generate a log of the boot messages shown on the console.
# Useful for headless machines or debugging. You need to emerge the
# app-admin/showconsole package for this to work. Note that this probably
# won't work correctly with boot splash.


# Set to "yes" if you want to benchmark system boot with bootchart.
# You'll need to emerge the app-benchmarks/bootchart package for this to work.


# RC_USE_FSTAB allows you to override the default mount options for the
# standard /proc, /sys, /dev, and /dev/pts mount points. Note that this
# is the new way for selecting ramfs/tmpfs/etc... for udev mounting.


# RC_USE_CONFIG_PROFILE allows you to have different /etc/conf.d files
# based on your runlevel - if a conf.d file for your profile does not exist
# then we try and use the default one.
# To enable runlevel selection at boot, append "softlevel=foobar" to your
# kernel line to change to the foobar runlevel. Here we would search for
# /etc/conf.d/<service>.foobar config files before trying to use the default
# /etc/conf.d/<service>.
# Note that it is only active if 'softlevel' was specified via the kernel line,
# and it is intended to use for different grub/lilo entries to specify config
# changes for say laptops between home and work, where you would have setup
# 'work' and 'home' runlevels, with /etc/conf.d/*.<runlevel> as needed.


# RC_FORCE_AUTO tries its best to prevent user interaction during the boot and
# shutdown process. For example, fsck will automatically be run or volumes
# remounted to create proper directory trees. This feature can be dangerous
# and is meant ONLY for headless machines where getting a physical console
# hooked up is a huge pita.


# Use this variable to control the /dev management behavior.
# auto - let the scripts figure out what's best at boot
# devfs - use devfs (requires sys-fs/devfsd)
# udev - use udev (requires sys-fs/udev)
# static - let the user manage /dev (YOU need to create ALL device nodes)


# Set to "yes" if you want to save /dev to a tarball on shutdown
# and restore it on startup. This is useful if you have a lot of
# custom device nodes that udev does not handle/know about.


# RC_SWAP_ERASE controls erasing of swap partitions at shutdown.
# Useful for all those paranoid peeps to nuke their memory.


# RC_DMESG_LEVEL sets the level at which logging of messages is done to the
# console. See dmesg(8) for more info.


# Controlling start-stop-daemon behavior

# Set to "yes" if start-stop-daemon should always retry killing the
# service with sig KILL if it fails the first time.


# Set the amount of seconds start-stop-daemon should wait between
# retries.


# Set the amount of times start-stop-daemon should try to kill
# a service before giving up.


# Set to "yes" if start-stop-daemon should fail if the service
# is marked as started, but not actually running on stop.


# Set to "yes" if start-stop-daemon should attempt to kill
# any children left in the system.
# Be careful with this as it really does what it was on the tin.
# fex, if you're in an ssh process and you restart a service on which ssh
# depends then your terminal will be killed also.


# Set the amount of seconds start-stop-daemon waits after starting
# the daemon to check it is still running. If it's not then we
# try and stop any children if possible.

# These variables are documented here, but should be configured in
# /etc/conf.d/foo for service foo and NOT enabled here unless you
# really want them to work on a global basis.

# Some daemons are started and stopped via start-stop-daemon.
# We can launch them through other daemons here, for example valgrind.
# This is only useful for serious debugging of the daemon
# WARNING: If the script's "stop" function does not supply a PID file then
# all processes using the same daemon will be killed.
#RC_DAEMON="/usr/bin/valgrind --tool=memcheck --log-file=/tmp/valgrind.syslog-ng"

# strace needs to be prefixed with --background as it does not detach when
# it's following
#RC_DAEMON="--background /usr/sbin/strace -f -o /tmp/strace.syslog-ng"

# Pass ulimit parameters
#RC_ULIMIT="-u 30"


# Internal configuration variables
# NB: These are for advanced users, and you should really
# know what you are doing before changing them!

# rc-scripts dep-cache directory
# NOTE: Do not remove the next line, as its needed by the baselayout ebuild!
# svcdir="/var/lib/init.d"


# Should we mount $svcdir in a ram disk for some speed increase
# for slower machines, or for the more extreme setups ?


# FS type that should be used for $svcdir. Note that you need
# $svcmount above set to "yes" for this to work ... Currently
# tmpfs, ramfs, and ramdisk are supported (tmpfs is the default).


# Size of $svcdir in KB. Note that ramfs doesn't support this
# due to kernel limitations.


Questo invece è il mio /etc/conf.d/net (ma non ho nessun /etc/conf/net.eth*.........
# This blank configuration will automatically use DHCP for any net.*
# scripts in /etc/init.d. To create a more complete configuration,
# please review /etc/conf.d/net.example and save your configuration
# in /etc/conf.d/net (this file :]!).

# Disabilito l'interfaccia eth1 perchè è quella onboard che non funziona
# iface_eth1="dhcp"
# dhcpcd_eth1=""

# Disabilito il DHCP sull'interfaccia eth0 che è la nuova INEL a GIGABIT
# iface_eth0="dhcp"
# dhcpcd_eth0=""

# Abilito un indirizzo IP STATICO sulla eth0 perchè mi serve per uscire all'esterno su internet poichè il firewall lo permette solo su quell'indirizzo
config_eth0=(" netmask brd")
routes_eth0=("default via")

Last edited by lsegalla on Fri May 03, 2013 3:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 02 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lsegalla wrote:

# Some people want a finer grain over hotplug/coldplug. RC_PLUG_SERVICES is a
# list of services that are matched in order, either allowing or not. By
# default we allow services through as RC_COLDPLUG/RC_HOTPLUG has to be yes
# anyway.
# Example - RC_PLUG_SERVICES="net.wlan !net.*"
# This allows net.wlan and any service not matching net.* to be plugged.


# RC_NET_STRICT_CHECKING allows some flexibility with the 'net' service.
# The following values are allowed:
# none - The 'net' service is always considered up.
# no - This basically means that at least one net.* service besides net.lo
# must be up. This can be used by notebook users that have a wifi and
# a static nic, and only wants one up at any given time to have the
# 'net' service seen as up.
# lo - This is the same as the 'no' option, but net.lo is also counted.
# This should be useful to people that do not care about any specific
# interface being up at boot.
# yes - For this ALL network interfaces MUST be up for the 'net' service to
# be considered up.


RC_PLUG_SERVICES="!net.*" ed il link
net.vattelappesca -> /etc/init.d/net in /etc/runlevels/default o che sia per quelle interfacce che ti servono. Se non è un fisso (e quindi non vuoi errori di avvio della rete quando non è connesso) installa netplug


e non abiliti nessuna interfaccia di rete nell'rc.

Con tutto che hai postato tutti i commenti non li hai letti mi sa.
scita et risus abundant in ore stultorum sed etiam semper severi insani sunt:wink:
mala tempora currunt...mater stultorum semper pregna est :evil:
Murpy'sLaw:If anything can go wrong, it will - O'Toole's Corollary:Murphy was an optimist :wink:
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Joined: 27 Jun 2007
Posts: 796

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perdonatemi ma non riuscivo capire, i commenti li ho letti si e ho fatto delle prove. Mi son rifiutato di scrivere subito sennò passo per menefreghista quale non sono, anche se è vero che per un newbie la quantità di informazioni da assorbire in un colpo son tante, specie se si utilizza una macchina per lavoro e c'è l'esigenza di una configurazione ordinata e fatta benino. Ho letto e riletto e anche provato varie cose, un minuto fa ho anche risolto: adesso cercherò di fare un po' di ordine.

se udev associa malamente i nomi ai tuoi dispositivi di rete (per esempio chiama eth0 la scheda che tu vorresti chiamare eth1 e vicerversa), controlla il contenuto del file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules .

Questa è una cosa della quale non ho l'esigenza di cambiare. Ho scoperto una cosa nuova, bene, ma i miei dispositivi son nominati correttamente per quel che mi serve.

RC_PLUG_SERVICES="!net.*" ed il link
net.vattelappesca -> /etc/init.d/net in /etc/runlevels/default o che sia per quelle interfacce che ti servono

Non ho capito per molto tutto il senso di questa frase perchè manca un verbo a darne il senso... quando l'ho capito ho risolto
Però non mi è ancora chiaro a cosa servono RC_HOTPLUG e RC_COLDPLUG, dalle descrizioni non l'ho capito
ao nguc annie do lot nam goi cam bo cho be cac loai quan ao ban buon vest cong so do boi nam ca tinh quan ao nu dep tat so sinh cho be ao so mi nu chup anh dam cuoi
Non volevo che la eth1 partisse in automatico, quindi ho risolto così:
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