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DELL iDrac remote KVM console crashes - JAVA problem
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Joined: 29 Sep 2008
Posts: 34

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 1:53 pm    Post subject: DELL iDrac remote KVM console crashes - JAVA problem Reply with quote


i have serious trouble with running DELL iDrac remote JAVA console on Gentoo. Java console is a Java webstart application, so viewer.jnlp file is downloaded from iDrac interface and launched with javaws, but after some security confirmations JAVA crashes with SIGSEGV:


> #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007fb7d783a7f0, pid=2853, tid=140428359227136

I have tried different Java JREs and JDKs such as oracle-jre-bin-1.7 and oracle-jre-bin-1.8, also icedtea and icedtea-bin. All cases result i the same crash. I installed brand new Gentoo, but result is same. Now my colleague runs console on its Gentoo and Java crashes also. I give it try on Debian and the console works correctly. So in look like a Gentoo problem.

Here is a complete debug dump from Java, does anybody have some hint how to deal with this ? thx.

marsark@x7 ~ $ cat hs_err_pid3102.log
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f86c251a7f0, pid=3102, tid=140217548756736
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (7.0_76-b13) (build 1.7.0_76-b13)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (24.76-b04 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C 0x00007f86c251a7f0
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

--------------- T H R E A D ---------------

Current thread (0x00007f86e006d000): JavaThread "javawsApplicationMain" [_thread_in_native, id=3153, stack(0x00007f86f11f5000,0x00007f86f12f6000)]

siginfo:si_signo=SIGSEGV: si_errno=0, si_code=1 (SEGV_MAPERR), si_addr=0x00007f86c251a7f0

RAX=0x00007f86c251a7f0, RBX=0x0000000000000378, RCX=0x0000000000000000, RDX=0x00007f86f12f2e6f
RSP=0x00007f86f12f2e88, RBP=0x00007f86f12f30f0, RSI=0x00007f86c36276d7, RDI=0x00007f86c36277f0
R8 =0x0000000000000000, R9 =0x00007f86c800f8d0, R10=0x00007f86c1ffb108, R11=0x0000000000000206
R12=0x0000000000000000, R13=0x000000008172b4b0, R14=0x00007f86f12f3358, R15=0x00007f86e006d000
RIP=0x00007f86c251a7f0, EFLAGS=0x0000000000010206, CSGSFS=0x0000000000000033, ERR=0x0000000000000014

Top of Stack: (sp=0x00007f86f12f2e88)
0x00007f86f12f2e88: 00007f86c355866c 0000000000000000
0x00007f86f12f2e98: 00007f86c809f0d0 00007f86f12f2ff0
0x00007f86f12f2ea8: 00007f86c805ea58 00007f86f12f3018
0x00007f86f12f2eb8: 00007f86c805e700 0000000000000001
0x00007f86f12f2ec8: 00007f87552a094d 0000000000000000
0x00007f86f12f2ed8: 00007f86c805ec50 0000000000000005
0x00007f86f12f2ee8: 0000000000000000 00007f8600000001
0x00007f86f12f2ef8: 00007f86c805e700 00000000ed147d69
0x00007f86f12f2f08: 00007f86c34a6525 00000000ffffffff
0x00007f86f12f2f18: 00007f86c805e700 0000000000000000
0x00007f86f12f2f28: 00007f86c805ea58 00007f86f12f2f60
0x00007f86f12f2f38: 00007f86f12f2f50 000000007c96f087
0x00007f86f12f2f48: 00007f86c34a65e0 00000000ffffffff
0x00007f86f12f2f58: 00007f86e006d000 00007f87548d9c68
0x00007f86f12f2f68: 00007f87554859c8 00007f8600000005
0x00007f86f12f2f78: 0000000000000000 00007f86f12f3180
0x00007f86f12f2f88: 00007f86c38a4988 0000000000000000
0x00007f86f12f2f98: 0000000000000008 00007f86c36290f1
0x00007f86f12f2fa8: 0000000000000008 0000000000000000
0x00007f86f12f2fb8: 00007f87552a5097 00007f8600000005
0x00007f86f12f2fc8: 00007f86c38a2918 0000000000000000
0x00007f86f12f2fd8: 000000008172b4b0 00007f86f12f3358
0x00007f86f12f2fe8: 00007f86e006d000 00007f86f12f30f0
0x00007f86f12f2ff8: 00007f87552a5097 00007f8600000005
0x00007f86f12f3008: 0000000000000000 00007f8600000038
0x00007f86f12f3018: 00007f87548d9c68 0000000000000378
0x00007f86f12f3028: 00007f86f12f30f0 0000000000000000
0x00007f86f12f3038: 00007f87552ab610 00007f860000006e
0x00007f86f12f3048: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00007f86f12f3058: 0000007c00000077 0000000100000000
0x00007f86f12f3068: 0000000000000009 0000000000000020
0x00007f86f12f3078: 00007f86c8000020 00007f86c800f360

Instructions: (pc=0x00007f86c251a7f0)
[error occurred during error reporting (printing registers, top of stack, instructions near pc), id 0xb]

Register to memory mapping:

RAX=0x00007f86c251a7f0 is an unknown value
RBX=0x0000000000000378 is an unknown value
RCX=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
RDX=0x00007f86f12f2e6f is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f86e006d000
RSP=0x00007f86f12f2e88 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f86e006d000
RBP=0x00007f86f12f30f0 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f86e006d000
RSI=0x00007f86c36276d7: <offset 0x1c96d7> in /home/marsark/.java/deployment/cache/6.0/26/1abf249a-4cc9145c-n/ at 0x00007f86c345e000
RDI=0x00007f86c36277f0: <offset 0x1c97f0> in /home/marsark/.java/deployment/cache/6.0/26/1abf249a-4cc9145c-n/ at 0x00007f86c345e000
R8 =0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R9 =0x00007f86c800f8d0 is an unknown value
R10=0x00007f86c1ffb108 is an unknown value
R11=0x0000000000000206 is an unknown value
R12=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R13=0x000000008172b4b0 is an oop
- klass: {other class}
R14=0x00007f86f12f3358 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f86e006d000
R15=0x00007f86e006d000 is a thread

Stack: [0x00007f86f11f5000,0x00007f86f12f6000], sp=0x00007f86f12f2e88, free space=1015k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C 0x00007f86c251a7f0
C [] ValidateX509Certificate(char*, int, int*, char*)+0xeb
C [] Java_com_avocent_app_security_X509CertificateJNI_ValidateX509Certificate+0x115
j com.avocent.d.a.a.a(Ljava/net/Socket;I)Ljava/net/Socket;+1334
j com.avocent.d.a.a.a(BLjava/net/Socket;)Ljava/net/Socket;+79
j com.avocent.d.a.a.a()Ljava/net/Socket;+3
j com.avocent.d.c.b.a(Ljava/lang/String;II)V+75
j com.avocent.a.a.t.g()V+162
j com.avocent.a.a.t.a(Ljava/lang/String;IILjavax/net/ssl/X509TrustManager;)Lcom/avocent/a/a/i;+53
j com.avocent.idrac.kvm.a.d()V+1
j com.avocent.idrac.kvm.Main.a([Ljava/lang/String;)V+59
j com.avocent.idrac.kvm.Main.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+77
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
V [] JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle*, JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x365
V [] JavaCalls::call(JavaValue*, methodHandle, JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x28
V [] Reflection::invoke(instanceKlassHandle, methodHandle, Handle, bool, objArrayHandle, BasicType, objArrayHandle, bool, Thread*)+0x47f
V [] Reflection::invoke_method(oopDesc*, Handle, objArrayHandle, Thread*)+0x160
V [] JVM_InvokeMethod+0x224
j sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+0
j sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+87
j sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+6
j java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+57
j com.sun.javaws.Launcher.executeApplication(Lcom/sun/javaws/jnl/LaunchDesc;Lcom/sun/deploy/model/LocalApplicationProperties;Ljava/lang/Class;Lcom/sun/javaws/progress/PreloaderDelegate;)V+244
j com.sun.javaws.Launcher.executeMainClass(Lcom/sun/javaws/jnl/LaunchDesc;Lcom/sun/deploy/model/LocalApplicationProperties;Ljava/lang/Class;Lcom/sun/javaws/progress/PreloaderDelegate;)V+179
j com.sun.javaws.Launcher.doLaunchApp()V+515
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
V [] JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle*, JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x365
V [] JavaCalls::call(JavaValue*, methodHandle, JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x28
V [] JavaCalls::call_virtual(JavaValue*, KlassHandle, Symbol*, Symbol*, JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x197
V [] JavaCalls::call_virtual(JavaValue*, Handle, KlassHandle, Symbol*, Symbol*, Thread*)+0x47
V [] thread_entry(JavaThread*, Thread*)+0xe5
V [] JavaThread::thread_main_inner()+0xdf
V [] JavaThread::run()+0xf5
V [] java_start(Thread*)+0x108

Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j com.avocent.d.a.a.a(Ljava/net/Socket;I)Ljava/net/Socket;+1334
j com.avocent.d.a.a.a(BLjava/net/Socket;)Ljava/net/Socket;+79
j com.avocent.d.a.a.a()Ljava/net/Socket;+3
j com.avocent.d.c.b.a(Ljava/lang/String;II)V+75
j com.avocent.a.a.t.g()V+162
j com.avocent.a.a.t.a(Ljava/lang/String;IILjavax/net/ssl/X509TrustManager;)Lcom/avocent/a/a/i;+53
j com.avocent.idrac.kvm.a.d()V+1
j com.avocent.idrac.kvm.Main.a([Ljava/lang/String;)V+59
j com.avocent.idrac.kvm.Main.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+77
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
j sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+0
j sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+87
j sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+6
j java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+57
j com.sun.javaws.Launcher.executeApplication(Lcom/sun/javaws/jnl/LaunchDesc;Lcom/sun/deploy/model/LocalApplicationProperties;Ljava/lang/Class;Lcom/sun/javaws/progress/PreloaderDelegate;)V+244
j com.sun.javaws.Launcher.executeMainClass(Lcom/sun/javaws/jnl/LaunchDesc;Lcom/sun/deploy/model/LocalApplicationProperties;Ljava/lang/Class;Lcom/sun/javaws/progress/PreloaderDelegate;)V+179
j com.sun.javaws.Launcher.doLaunchApp()V+515
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub

--------------- P R O C E S S ---------------

Java Threads: ( => current thread )
0x00007f86c808a800 JavaThread "Mouse Request Manager" [_thread_blocked, id=3163, stack(0x00007f86c2f4f000,0x00007f86c3050000)]
0x00007f86c804b800 JavaThread "ServerThread" [_thread_in_native, id=3162, stack(0x00007f86f0cf0000,0x00007f86f0df1000)]
0x00007f86bc02b000 JavaThread "Image Fetcher 0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3161, stack(0x00007f86c38c8000,0x00007f86c39c9000)]
0x00007f86c80b0800 JavaThread "Screen Update" [_thread_blocked, id=3160, stack(0x00007f86c39c9000,0x00007f86c3aca000)]
0x00007f86c80b6000 JavaThread "Screen Update" [_thread_blocked, id=3159, stack(0x00007f86c3aca000,0x00007f86c3bcb000)]
0x00007f86c8038800 JavaThread "Screen Update" [_thread_blocked, id=3158, stack(0x00007f86f0ef2000,0x00007f86f0ff3000)]
0x00007f86bc001800 JavaThread "StatsUpdateTimer" [_thread_blocked, id=3156, stack(0x00007f86f0df1000,0x00007f86f0ef2000)]
0x00007f86c80aa800 JavaThread "Timer-2" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3155, stack(0x00007f86f13f7000,0x00007f86f14f8000)]
=>0x00007f86e006d000 JavaThread "javawsApplicationMain" [_thread_in_native, id=3153, stack(0x00007f86f11f5000,0x00007f86f12f6000)]
0x00007f86d00e1000 JavaThread "TimerQueue" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3150, stack(0x00007f86f0027000,0x00007f86f0128000)]
0x00007f86c418a000 JavaThread "Keep-Alive-Timer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3147, stack(0x00007f86f10f4000,0x00007f86f11f5000)]
0x00007f86d003d800 JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-2" [_thread_blocked, id=3144, stack(0x00007f86f0aee000,0x00007f86f0bef000)]
0x00007f86cc003800 JavaThread "ProgressReporter" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3141, stack(0x00007f86f0bef000,0x00007f86f0cf0000)]
0x00007f86d8005000 JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-1" [_thread_blocked, id=3135, stack(0x00007f86f0ff3000,0x00007f86f10f4000)]
0x00007f86d8004000 JavaThread "Image Fetcher 0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3133, stack(0x00007f86f12f6000,0x00007f86f13f7000)]
0x00007f874c00a800 JavaThread "DestroyJavaVM" [_thread_blocked, id=3103, stack(0x00007f8755381000,0x00007f8755482000)]
0x00007f874c2f2000 JavaThread "Javaws Secure Thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3129, stack(0x00007f86f14f8000,0x00007f86f15f9000)]
0x00007f874c2ed800 JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [_thread_blocked, id=3128, stack(0x00007f86f15f9000,0x00007f86f16fa000)]
0x00007f874c2be000 JavaThread "AWT-Shutdown" [_thread_blocked, id=3127, stack(0x00007f8704037000,0x00007f8704138000)]
0x00007f874c1c0000 JavaThread "AWT-XAWT" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3123, stack(0x00007f8706330000,0x00007f8706431000)]
0x00007f874c19f000 JavaThread "Java2D Disposer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3122, stack(0x00007f8706842000,0x00007f8706943000)]
0x00007f874c14d000 JavaThread "CacheCleanUpThread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3121, stack(0x00007f874809f000,0x00007f87481a0000)]
0x00007f874c149800 JavaThread "CacheMemoryCleanUpThread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3120, stack(0x00007f87481a0000,0x00007f87482a1000)]
0x00007f874c148800 JavaThread "MemoryCache-DelayedCleanup" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3119, stack(0x00007f87484b2000,0x00007f87485b3000)]
0x00007f874c0c7800 JavaThread "traceMsgQueueThread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3117, stack(0x00007f87487e3000,0x00007f87488e4000)]
0x00007f874c0a2000 JavaThread "Service Thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3115, stack(0x00007f87489e5000,0x00007f8748ae6000)]
0x00007f874c09f800 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3114, stack(0x00007f8748ae6000,0x00007f8748be7000)]
0x00007f874c09d000 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3113, stack(0x00007f8748be7000,0x00007f8748ce8000)]
0x00007f874c09a800 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3112, stack(0x00007f8748ce8000,0x00007f8748de9000)]
0x00007f874c070800 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3111, stack(0x00007f8750247000,0x00007f8750348000)]
0x00007f874c06e800 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3110, stack(0x00007f8750348000,0x00007f8750449000)]

Other Threads:
0x00007f874c06a800 VMThread [stack: 0x00007f8750449000,0x00007f875054a000] [id=3109]
0x00007f874c0ad000 WatcherThread [stack: 0x00007f87488e4000,0x00007f87489e5000] [id=3116]

VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)

VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None

PSYoungGen total 68608K, used 50611K [0x00000000d7100000, 0x00000000df700000, 0x0000000100000000)
eden space 63488K, 71% used [0x00000000d7100000,0x00000000d9d6e250,0x00000000daf00000)
from space 5120K, 99% used [0x00000000daf00000,0x00000000db3fec10,0x00000000db400000)
to space 5120K, 0% used [0x00000000df200000,0x00000000df200000,0x00000000df700000)
ParOldGen total 83456K, used 8619K [0x0000000085400000, 0x000000008a580000, 0x00000000d7100000)
object space 83456K, 10% used [0x0000000085400000,0x0000000085c6add0,0x000000008a580000)
PSPermGen total 22528K, used 22372K [0x0000000080200000, 0x0000000081800000, 0x0000000085400000)
object space 22528K, 99% used [0x0000000080200000,0x00000000817d9348,0x0000000081800000)

Card table byte_map: [0x00007f87522c3000,0x00007f87526c3000] byte_map_base: 0x00007f8751ec2000

Polling page: 0x00007f87554b5000

Code Cache [0x00007f8749000000, 0x00007f8749270000, 0x00007f874c000000)
total_blobs=925 nmethods=331 adapters=547 free_code_cache=47877Kb largest_free_block=48984128

Compilation events (10 events):
Event: 5,125 Thread 0x00007f874c09f800 338 % java.util.Arrays::fill @ 5 (21 bytes)
Event: 5,129 Thread 0x00007f874c09f800 nmethod 338% 0x00007f87490ef7d0 code [0x00007f87490ef920, 0x00007f87490efad8]
Event: 5,129 Thread 0x00007f874c09d000 339 java.util.Arrays::fill (21 bytes)
Event: 5,131 Thread 0x00007f874c09d000 nmethod 339 0x00007f87490b6e50 code [0x00007f87490b6f80, 0x00007f87490b7018]
Event: 5,297 Thread 0x00007f874c09f800 340 java.lang.String::equalsIgnoreCase (48 bytes)
Event: 5,302 Thread 0x00007f874c09d000 341 java.util.regex.Pattern::peek (26 bytes)
Event: 5,303 Thread 0x00007f874c09f800 nmethod 340 0x00007f87490eee10 code [0x00007f87490eefa0, 0x00007f87490ef2d0]
Event: 5,303 Thread 0x00007f874c09d000 nmethod 341 0x00007f87490eead0 code [0x00007f87490eec20, 0x00007f87490eece8]
Event: 5,305 Thread 0x00007f874c09f800 342 java.util.HashMap::containsKey (14 bytes)
Event: 5,310 Thread 0x00007f874c09f800 nmethod 342 0x00007f874912cc10 code [0x00007f874912cd80, 0x00007f874912cf88]

GC Heap History (6 events):
Event: 0,703 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=1 (full 0):
PSYoungGen total 36864K, used 31744K [0x00000000d7100000, 0x00000000d9a00000, 0x0000000100000000)
eden space 31744K, 100% used [0x00000000d7100000,0x00000000d9000000,0x00000000d9000000)
from space 5120K, 0% used [0x00000000d9500000,0x00000000d9500000,0x00000000d9a00000)
to space 5120K, 0% used [0x00000000d9000000,0x00000000d9000000,0x00000000d9500000)
ParOldGen total 83456K, used 0K [0x0000000085400000, 0x000000008a580000, 0x00000000d7100000)
object space 83456K, 0% used [0x0000000085400000,0x0000000085400000,0x000000008a580000)
PSPermGen total 21504K, used 12617K [0x0000000080200000, 0x0000000081700000, 0x0000000085400000)
object space 21504K, 58% used [0x0000000080200000,0x0000000080e52498,0x0000000081700000)
Event: 0,712 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=1 (full 0):
PSYoungGen total 36864K, used 4127K [0x00000000d7100000, 0x00000000db900000, 0x0000000100000000)
eden space 31744K, 0% used [0x00000000d7100000,0x00000000d7100000,0x00000000d9000000)
from space 5120K, 80% used [0x00000000d9000000,0x00000000d9407e28,0x00000000d9500000)
to space 5120K, 0% used [0x00000000db400000,0x00000000db400000,0x00000000db900000)
ParOldGen total 83456K, used 8K [0x0000000085400000, 0x000000008a580000, 0x00000000d7100000)
object space 83456K, 0% used [0x0000000085400000,0x0000000085402000,0x000000008a580000)
PSPermGen total 21504K, used 12617K [0x0000000080200000, 0x0000000081700000, 0x0000000085400000)
object space 21504K, 58% used [0x0000000080200000,0x0000000080e52498,0x0000000081700000)
Event: 0,955 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=2 (full 0):
PSYoungGen total 36864K, used 35871K [0x00000000d7100000, 0x00000000db900000, 0x0000000100000000)
eden space 31744K, 100% used [0x00000000d7100000,0x00000000d9000000,0x00000000d9000000)
from space 5120K, 80% used [0x00000000d9000000,0x00000000d9407e28,0x00000000d9500000)
to space 5120K, 0% used [0x00000000db400000,0x00000000db400000,0x00000000db900000)
ParOldGen total 83456K, used 8K [0x0000000085400000, 0x000000008a580000, 0x00000000d7100000)
object space 83456K, 0% used [0x0000000085400000,0x0000000085402000,0x000000008a580000)
PSPermGen total 21504K, used 12927K [0x0000000080200000, 0x0000000081700000, 0x0000000085400000)
object space 21504K, 60% used [0x0000000080200000,0x0000000080e9fcd0,0x0000000081700000)
Event: 0,967 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=2 (full 0):
PSYoungGen total 68608K, used 5096K [0x00000000d7100000, 0x00000000db900000, 0x0000000100000000)
eden space 63488K, 0% used [0x00000000d7100000,0x00000000d7100000,0x00000000daf00000)
from space 5120K, 99% used [0x00000000db400000,0x00000000db8fa398,0x00000000db900000)
to space 5120K, 0% used [0x00000000daf00000,0x00000000daf00000,0x00000000db400000)
ParOldGen total 83456K, used 2596K [0x0000000085400000, 0x000000008a580000, 0x00000000d7100000)
object space 83456K, 3% used [0x0000000085400000,0x0000000085689330,0x000000008a580000)
PSPermGen total 21504K, used 12927K [0x0000000080200000, 0x0000000081700000, 0x0000000085400000)
object space 21504K, 60% used [0x0000000080200000,0x0000000080e9fcd0,0x0000000081700000)
Event: 1,578 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=3 (full 0):
PSYoungGen total 68608K, used 68584K [0x00000000d7100000, 0x00000000db900000, 0x0000000100000000)
eden space 63488K, 100% used [0x00000000d7100000,0x00000000daf00000,0x00000000daf00000)
from space 5120K, 99% used [0x00000000db400000,0x00000000db8fa398,0x00000000db900000)
to space 5120K, 0% used [0x00000000daf00000,0x00000000daf00000,0x00000000db400000)
ParOldGen total 83456K, used 2596K [0x0000000085400000, 0x000000008a580000, 0x00000000d7100000)
object space 83456K, 3% used [0x0000000085400000,0x0000000085689330,0x000000008a580000)
PSPermGen total 21504K, used 17727K [0x0000000080200000, 0x0000000081700000, 0x0000000085400000)
object space 21504K, 82% used [0x0000000080200000,0x000000008134ff80,0x0000000081700000)
Event: 1,591 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=3 (full 0):
PSYoungGen total 68608K, used 5115K [0x00000000d7100000, 0x00000000df700000, 0x0000000100000000)
eden space 63488K, 0% used [0x00000000d7100000,0x00000000d7100000,0x00000000daf00000)
from space 5120K, 99% used [0x00000000daf00000,0x00000000db3fec10,0x00000000db400000)
to space 5120K, 0% used [0x00000000df200000,0x00000000df200000,0x00000000df700000)
ParOldGen total 83456K, used 8619K [0x0000000085400000, 0x000000008a580000, 0x00000000d7100000)
object space 83456K, 10% used [0x0000000085400000,0x0000000085c6add0,0x000000008a580000)
PSPermGen total 21504K, used 17727K [0x0000000080200000, 0x0000000081700000, 0x0000000085400000)
object space 21504K, 82% used [0x0000000080200000,0x000000008134ff80,0x0000000081700000)

Deoptimization events (10 events):
Event: 2,962 Thread 0x00007f86d8006800 Uncommon trap: reason=unreached action=reinterpret pc=0x00007f8749093eb8 method=java.util.Arrays.equals([B[B)Z @ 12
Event: 2,962 Thread 0x00007f86e006c000 Uncommon trap: reason=unreached action=reinterpret pc=0x00007f8749093eb8 method=java.util.Arrays.equals([B[B)Z @ 12
Event: 3,043 Thread 0x00007f86d8006800 Uncommon trap: reason=bimorphic action=maybe_recompile pc=0x00007f87490e9df4 method=java.lang.StringCoding$StringDecoder.charsetName()Ljava/lang/String; @ 17
Event: 3,053 Thread 0x00007f86d8005000 Uncommon trap: reason=bimorphic action=maybe_recompile pc=0x00007f87490e9df4 method=java.lang.StringCoding$StringDecoder.charsetName()Ljava/lang/String; @ 17
Event: 3,066 Thread 0x00007f86d8005000 Uncommon trap: reason=unreached action=reinterpret pc=0x00007f874910ccec method=java.util.WeakHashMap.expungeStaleEntries()V @ 9
Event: 3,117 Thread 0x00007f86d8005000 Uncommon trap: reason=unreached action=reinterpret pc=0x00007f8749089b70 method=java.util.WeakHashMap.expungeStaleEntries()V @ 9
Event: 3,253 Thread 0x00007f874c2f4000 Uncommon trap: reason=bimorphic action=maybe_recompile pc=0x00007f87490e9df4 method=java.lang.StringCoding$StringDecoder.charsetName()Ljava/lang/String; @ 17
Event: 3,253 Thread 0x00007f874c2f4000 Uncommon trap: reason=bimorphic action=maybe_recompile pc=0x00007f87490e9df4 method=java.lang.StringCoding$StringDecoder.charsetName()Ljava/lang/String; @ 17
Event: 4,472 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 Uncommon trap: reason=null_check action=make_not_entrant pc=0x00007f87490c2530 method=java.lang.StringCoding.deref(Ljava/lang/ThreadLocal;)Ljava/lang/Object; @ 4
Event: 5,137 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 Uncommon trap: reason=class_check action=maybe_recompile pc=0x00007f87490c6ca8;)V @ 22

Internal exceptions (10 events):
Event: 5,133 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 Threw 0x00000000d9b03cd8 at /HUDSON/workspace/7u-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk7u76/1941/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1304
Event: 5,134 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 Threw 0x00000000d9cf7e90 at /HUDSON/workspace/7u-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk7u76/1941/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1304
Event: 5,134 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 Threw 0x00000000d9cf8280 at /HUDSON/workspace/7u-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk7u76/1941/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1304
Event: 5,134 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 Threw 0x00000000d9cf8598 at /HUDSON/workspace/7u-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk7u76/1941/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1304
Event: 5,135 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 Threw 0x00000000d9cfd938 at /HUDSON/workspace/7u-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk7u76/1941/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1304
Event: 5,135 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 Threw 0x00000000d9cfdd08 at /HUDSON/workspace/7u-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk7u76/1941/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1304
Event: 5,135 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 Threw 0x00000000d9cfe018 at /HUDSON/workspace/7u-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk7u76/1941/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1304
Event: 5,135 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 Threw 0x00000000d9d00b50 at /HUDSON/workspace/7u-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk7u76/1941/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1304
Event: 5,135 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 Threw 0x00000000d9d00f40 at /HUDSON/workspace/7u-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk7u76/1941/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1304
Event: 5,135 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 Threw 0x00000000d9d01258 at /HUDSON/workspace/7u-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk7u76/1941/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1304

Events (10 events):
Event: 5,135 loading class 0x00007f875179df10
Event: 5,135 loading class 0x00007f875179df10 done
Event: 5,135 loading class 0x00007f86e0029880 done
Event: 5,137 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 Uncommon trap: trap_request=0xffffffde fr.pc=0x00007f87490c6ca8
Event: 5,137 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x00007f87490c6ca8 sp=0x00007f86f12f3930
Event: 5,137 Thread 0x00007f86e006d000 DEOPT UNPACKING pc=0x00007f8749039445 sp=0x00007f86f12f3910 mode 2
Event: 5,297 loading class 0x0000000000b1b430
Event: 5,297 loading class 0x0000000000b1b430 done
Event: 5,297 loading class 0x0000000000b1b320
Event: 5,297 loading class 0x0000000000b1b320 done

Dynamic libraries:
00400000-00401000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 667460 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
00600000-00601000 rw-p 00000000 00:0d 667460 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
00b0c000-00b2d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap]
80200000-81800000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
81800000-85400000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
85400000-8a580000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
8a580000-d7100000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
d7100000-df700000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
df700000-100000000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86bc000000-7f86bc04c000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86bc04c000-7f86c0000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86c2d07000-7f86c2f4f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86c2f4f000-7f86c2f52000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86c2f52000-7f86c3050000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3163]
7f86c3050000-7f86c305c000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 1801420 /home/marsark/.java/deployment/cache/6.0/33/1314021-4c6861ef-n/
7f86c305c000-7f86c325c000 ---p 0000c000 00:0d 1801420 /home/marsark/.java/deployment/cache/6.0/33/1314021-4c6861ef-n/
7f86c325c000-7f86c325d000 rw-p 0000c000 00:0d 1801420 /home/marsark/.java/deployment/cache/6.0/33/1314021-4c6861ef-n/
7f86c325d000-7f86c325e000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 666985 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86c325e000-7f86c345d000 ---p 00001000 00:0d 666985 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86c345d000-7f86c345e000 rw-p 00000000 00:0d 666985 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86c345e000-7f86c3687000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 1801424 /home/marsark/.java/deployment/cache/6.0/26/1abf249a-4cc9145c-n/
7f86c3687000-7f86c3886000 ---p 00229000 00:0d 1801424 /home/marsark/.java/deployment/cache/6.0/26/1abf249a-4cc9145c-n/
7f86c3886000-7f86c38b8000 rw-p 00228000 00:0d 1801424 /home/marsark/.java/deployment/cache/6.0/26/1abf249a-4cc9145c-n/
7f86c38b8000-7f86c38c8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86c38c8000-7f86c38cb000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86c38cb000-7f86c39c9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3161]
7f86c39c9000-7f86c39cc000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86c39cc000-7f86c3aca000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3160]
7f86c3aca000-7f86c3acd000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86c3acd000-7f86c3bcb000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3159]
7f86c3bcb000-7f86c3bd3000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 666952 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86c3bd3000-7f86c3dd2000 ---p 00008000 00:0d 666952 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86c3dd2000-7f86c3dd3000 rw-p 00007000 00:0d 666952 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86c3dd3000-7f86c3dfd000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 666998 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86c3dfd000-7f86c3ffd000 ---p 0002a000 00:0d 666998 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86c3ffd000-7f86c4000000 rw-p 0002a000 00:0d 666998 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86c4000000-7f86c418f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86c418f000-7f86c8000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86c8000000-7f86c813f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86c813f000-7f86cc000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86cc000000-7f86cc053000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86cc053000-7f86d0000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86d0000000-7f86d01e3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86d01e3000-7f86d4000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86d4000000-7f86d403d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86d403d000-7f86d8000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86d8000000-7f86d8057000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86d8057000-7f86dc000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86dc000000-7f86dc021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86dc021000-7f86e0000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86e0000000-7f86e0081000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86e0081000-7f86e4000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86e4000000-7f86e4021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86e4021000-7f86e8000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86e8000000-7f86e8021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86e8021000-7f86ec000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86ec000000-7f86ec021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86ec021000-7f86f0000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f0027000-7f86f002a000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f002a000-7f86f0128000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3150]
7f86f01a9000-7f86f0212000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 666979 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86f0212000-7f86f0411000 ---p 00069000 00:0d 666979 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86f0411000-7f86f0418000 rw-p 00068000 00:0d 666979 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86f0418000-7f86f0428000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f0428000-7f86f048d000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 667000 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86f048d000-7f86f068c000 ---p 00065000 00:0d 667000 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86f068c000-7f86f0690000 rw-p 00064000 00:0d 667000 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86f0690000-7f86f06a1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f06a1000-7f86f06a6000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 820959 /lib64/
7f86f06a6000-7f86f08a5000 ---p 00005000 00:0d 820959 /lib64/
7f86f08a5000-7f86f08a6000 r--p 00004000 00:0d 820959 /lib64/
7f86f08a6000-7f86f08a7000 rw-p 00005000 00:0d 820959 /lib64/
7f86f08a7000-7f86f08d9000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 666987 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86f08d9000-7f86f0ad8000 ---p 00032000 00:0d 666987 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86f0ad8000-7f86f0ade000 rw-p 00031000 00:0d 666987 /opt/oracle-jre-bin-
7f86f0ade000-7f86f0aee000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f0aee000-7f86f0af1000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f0af1000-7f86f0bef000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3144]
7f86f0bef000-7f86f0bf2000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f0bf2000-7f86f0cf0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3141]
7f86f0cf0000-7f86f0cf3000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f0cf3000-7f86f0df1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3162]
7f86f0df1000-7f86f0df4000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f0df4000-7f86f0ef2000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3156]
7f86f0ef2000-7f86f0ef5000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f0ef5000-7f86f0ff3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3158]
7f86f0ff3000-7f86f0ff6000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f0ff6000-7f86f10f4000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3135]
7f86f10f4000-7f86f10f7000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f10f7000-7f86f11f5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3147]
7f86f11f5000-7f86f11f8000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f11f8000-7f86f12f6000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3153]
7f86f12f6000-7f86f12f9000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f12f9000-7f86f13f7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3133]
7f86f13f7000-7f86f13fa000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f13fa000-7f86f14f8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3155]
7f86f14f8000-7f86f14fb000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f14fb000-7f86f15f9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3129]
7f86f15f9000-7f86f15fc000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f15fc000-7f86f16fa000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3128]
7f86f16fa000-7f86f16fb000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f16fb000-7f86f1efb000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack:3126]
7f86f1efb000-7f86f1f06000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 747958 /usr/lib64/gio/modules/
7f86f1f06000-7f86f2105000 ---p 0000b000 00:0d 747958 /usr/lib64/gio/modules/
7f86f2105000-7f86f2106000 r--p 0000a000 00:0d 747958 /usr/lib64/gio/modules/
7f86f2106000-7f86f2107000 rw-p 0000b000 00:0d 747958 /usr/lib64/gio/modules/
7f86f2107000-7f86f211c000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 919785 /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.4/
7f86f211c000-7f86f231b000 ---p 00015000 00:0d 919785 /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.4/
7f86f231b000-7f86f231c000 r--p 00014000 00:0d 919785 /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.4/
7f86f231c000-7f86f231d000 rw-p 00015000 00:0d 919785 /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.4/
7f86f231d000-7f86f2404000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 919774 /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.4/
7f86f2404000-7f86f2603000 ---p 000e7000 00:0d 919774 /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.4/
7f86f2603000-7f86f260b000 r--p 000e6000 00:0d 919774 /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.4/
7f86f260b000-7f86f260d000 rw-p 000ee000 00:0d 919774 /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.4/
7f86f260d000-7f86f2622000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f2622000-7f86f276c000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 550201 /usr/lib64/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/
7f86f276c000-7f86f296c000 ---p 0014a000 00:0d 550201 /usr/lib64/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/
7f86f296c000-7f86f2972000 r--p 0014a000 00:0d 550201 /usr/lib64/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/
7f86f2972000-7f86f2975000 rw-p 00150000 00:0d 550201 /usr/lib64/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/
7f86f2975000-7f86f2976000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f2976000-7f86f297c000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 909062 /usr/lib64/
7f86f297c000-7f86f2b7b000 ---p 00006000 00:0d 909062 /usr/lib64/
7f86f2b7b000-7f86f2b7c000 r--p 00005000 00:0d 909062 /usr/lib64/
7f86f2b7c000-7f86f2b7d000 rw-p 00006000 00:0d 909062 /usr/lib64/
7f86f2b7d000-7f86f2ba8000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 917623 /usr/lib64/
7f86f2ba8000-7f86f2da7000 ---p 0002b000 00:0d 917623 /usr/lib64/
7f86f2da7000-7f86f2da8000 r--p 0002a000 00:0d 917623 /usr/lib64/
7f86f2da8000-7f86f2da9000 rw-p 0002b000 00:0d 917623 /usr/lib64/
7f86f2da9000-7f86f2db2000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 909371 /usr/lib64/
7f86f2db2000-7f86f2fb1000 ---p 00009000 00:0d 909371 /usr/lib64/
7f86f2fb1000-7f86f2fb2000 r--p 00008000 00:0d 909371 /usr/lib64/
7f86f2fb2000-7f86f2fb3000 rw-p 00009000 00:0d 909371 /usr/lib64/
7f86f2fb3000-7f86f2fba000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 917624 /usr/lib64/
7f86f2fba000-7f86f31ba000 ---p 00007000 00:0d 917624 /usr/lib64/
7f86f31ba000-7f86f31bb000 r--p 00007000 00:0d 917624 /usr/lib64/
7f86f31bb000-7f86f31bc000 rw-p 00008000 00:0d 917624 /usr/lib64/
7f86f31bc000-7f86f31ca000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 425082 /usr/lib64/
7f86f31ca000-7f86f33c9000 ---p 0000e000 00:0d 425082 /usr/lib64/
7f86f33c9000-7f86f33ca000 r--p 0000d000 00:0d 425082 /usr/lib64/
7f86f33ca000-7f86f33cb000 rw-p 0000e000 00:0d 425082 /usr/lib64/
7f86f33cb000-7f86f33cf000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 425084 /usr/lib64/
7f86f33cf000-7f86f35ce000 ---p 00004000 00:0d 425084 /usr/lib64/
7f86f35ce000-7f86f35cf000 r--p 00003000 00:0d 425084 /usr/lib64/
7f86f35cf000-7f86f35d0000 rw-p 00004000 00:0d 425084 /usr/lib64/
7f86f35d0000-7f86f35d5000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 425093 /usr/lib64/gtk-2.0/modules/
7f86f35d5000-7f86f37d4000 ---p 00005000 00:0d 425093 /usr/lib64/gtk-2.0/modules/
7f86f37d4000-7f86f37d5000 r--p 00004000 00:0d 425093 /usr/lib64/gtk-2.0/modules/
7f86f37d5000-7f86f37d6000 rw-p 00005000 00:0d 425093 /usr/lib64/gtk-2.0/modules/
7f86f37d6000-7f86f37d7000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 914751 /usr/lib64/
7f86f37d7000-7f86f39d6000 ---p 00001000 00:0d 914751 /usr/lib64/
7f86f39d6000-7f86f39d7000 r--p 00000000 00:0d 914751 /usr/lib64/
7f86f39d7000-7f86f39d8000 rw-p 00001000 00:0d 914751 /usr/lib64/
7f86f39d8000-7f86f39f5000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 914638 /usr/lib64/
7f86f39f5000-7f86f3bf4000 ---p 0001d000 00:0d 914638 /usr/lib64/
7f86f3bf4000-7f86f3bf6000 r--p 0001c000 00:0d 914638 /usr/lib64/
7f86f3bf6000-7f86f3bf7000 rw-p 0001e000 00:0d 914638 /usr/lib64/
7f86f3bf7000-7f86f3bfb000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 933791 /usr/lib64/
7f86f3bfb000-7f86f3dfb000 ---p 00004000 00:0d 933791 /usr/lib64/
7f86f3dfb000-7f86f3dfc000 r--p 00004000 00:0d 933791 /usr/lib64/
7f86f3dfc000-7f86f3dfd000 rw-p 00005000 00:0d 933791 /usr/lib64/
7f86f3dfd000-7f86f3dfe000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 919234 /usr/lib64/
7f86f3dfe000-7f86f3ffe000 ---p 00001000 00:0d 919234 /usr/lib64/
7f86f3ffe000-7f86f3fff000 r--p 00001000 00:0d 919234 /usr/lib64/
7f86f3fff000-7f86f4000000 rw-p 00002000 00:0d 919234 /usr/lib64/
7f86f4000000-7f86f4021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f4021000-7f86f8000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f86f805e000-7f86f8063000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 930013 /usr/lib64/
7f86f8063000-7f86f8262000 ---p 00005000 00:0d 930013 /usr/lib64/
7f86f8262000-7f86f8263000 r--p 00004000 00:0d 930013 /usr/lib64/
7f86f8263000-7f86f8264000 rw-p 00005000 00:0d 930013 /usr/lib64/
7f86f8264000-7f86f8270000 r-xp 00000000 00:0d 930020 /usr/lib64/
7f86f8270000-7f86f8470000 ---p 0000c000 00:0d 930020 /usr/lib64/
7f86f8470000-7f86f8471000 r--p 0000c000 00:0d 930020 /usr/lib64/
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I give it try on Debian and the console works correctly.

Which version of Java?
32 bit Java or 64 bit Java?

Try that version on Gentoo


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ubuntu is also ok with:

/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -showversion
java version "1.7.0_75"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.4) (7u75-2.5.4-1~trusty1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.75-b04, mixed mode)
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Try 1.7.0_75 on Gentoo.


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those that do backups
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nope... same crash

x7 ~ # java -showversion
java version "1.7.0_75"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_75-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.75-b04, mixed mode)

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f6971ad47f0, pid=10767, tid=140091637716736
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (7.0_75-b13) (build 1.7.0_75-b13)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (24.75-b04 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C  0x00007f6971ad47f0
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /tmp/hs_err_pid10767.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

marsark, try this:

  1. Note where the /usr/lib/ symlink points to (ls -la /usr/lib/
  2. Remove the /usr/lib/ symlink.
  3. Run the iDRAC Virtual Console. It should work fine.
  4. Restore the /usr/lib/ symlink (e.g. ln -s /usr/lib/

This hack works for me. I have strong reasons to believe this is a bug in the iDRAC Virtual Console itself. If you confirm the above hack works on your box as well, I'll prepare a more lengthy write-up about how I came up with this idea and how to fix the problem in a more elegant manner (until the application code itself is fixed, of course, which is the only real solution here).

Also, please let me know which iDRAC firmware version you are using.
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 9:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Kempniu, live long and prosper...

your steps did the trick. Now, iDRAC console works for me. My R720 bios version is 2.4.3, iDRAC firmware is 1.66.65 (Build 07). Some older version worked fine, if I'm not mistaken.
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 11:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kempniu: You are a lifesaver! Your procedure fixed the issue for me also on 1.56.55 (Build 05) and 1.57.57 (Build 04).

I would be very interested to learn how you figured out what the problem is!
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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 4:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Glad I could help. I've already reached out to Dell so that they can get this fixed. As for the article, I've sent it to Dell for review so that they can check if it doesn't violate the Dell Software License Agreement (pieces of disassembled code are involved). I'll let you guys know once (if?) they give me the go-ahead.
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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 9:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great, reverse engineering rulez.

I have a question. What's wrong with OpenSSL lib on Gentoo? I was unable to replicate this bug on Debian and ubuntu but all attempts on Gentoo failed. Pity that I don't remember latest version of iDrac firmware that worked correctly.
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PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2015 10:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

marsark wrote:
I have a question. What's wrong with OpenSSL lib on Gentoo?

Nothing. It's not OpenSSL that's faulty. (At least as long as we discuss it in the context of this thread... :))

marsark wrote:
I was unable to replicate this bug on Debian and ubuntu but all attempts on Gentoo failed.

Unsurprisingly, neither Debian nor Ubuntu has a /usr/lib/ file/symlink present by default.

Last edited by Kempniu on Sun May 10, 2015 4:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2015 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, thanks for clarification. I stay tuned for info update, if any :)
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 12:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kempniu wrote:
I'll let you guys know once (if?) they give me the go-ahead.

You mentioned that there may be a more elegant work-around than deleting /usr/lib/ Is it OK for you to share it?
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 8:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not sure. Probably no harm would be done, but when it comes to legal matters, I'd rather be safe than sorry.

I poked Dell about the issue and they suggested checking if the 2.x iDRAC firmware branch exhibits the same behavior. I won't be able to do that until next week, but maybe you guys can give it a shot?
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PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2015 12:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can confirm that version (iDRAC8 at R730) is not affected by this case. I checked it twice. The console at R720 version 1.66.65 (Build 07) crashes (if symlink not removed), R730 console 2.x version is OK.
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PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2015 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If I understand correctly, you checked firmware 2.x on iDRAC 8. Any chance you can check it on iDRAC 7? Dell claims the 2.x firmware supports both iDRAC 7 and iDRAC 8.
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PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2015 1:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, I can put one R720 standby and try upgrade to version 2.x.

Update: ok, LifeCycle offers upgrade from 1.66.65 to
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PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So, I can confirm that iDRAC 7 running firmware version 2.10.10 (Build 49) and BIOS version 2.5.2 is not affected by this case.
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PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great, thanks for testing. I'll get the word out to Dell.
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PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2015 11:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I finally got the green light from Dell, so for everyone curious, here is the whole story:

TL;DR: just upgrade your iDRAC firmware to version or later.
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PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 6:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kempniu wrote:
TL;DR: just upgrade your iDRAC firmware to version or later.

Thanks very much, Kempniu. We have over one hundred machines for which 1.66.65 is the latest available from, so this will be very, very useful.
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