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[Spamassassin]Pb de plugins Razor, Pyzor, dcc ...
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Joined: 23 Mar 2004
Posts: 490

PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:50 pm    Post subject: [Spamassassin]Pb de plugins Razor, Pyzor, dcc ... Reply with quote

Bonjour à tous,

j'ai quelque petit soucis avec Razor, Pyzor et DCC.

Mon problème est que spamassassin desactive les plugins qui m'interresse comme le montre le lignes ci-dessous.

Je ne vois pas comment faire pour qu'il ne soit pas desactiver.

21935] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC from @INC
[21935] dbg: dcc: local tests only, disabling DCC
[21935] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC=HASH(0x9200290)
[21935] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor from @INC
[21935] dbg: pyzor: local tests only, disabling Pyzor
[21935] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor=HASH(0x91d68f0)
[21935] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2 from @INC
[21935] dbg: razor2: local tests only, skipping Razor


# spamassassin -D --lint
[21935] dbg: logger: adding facilities: all
[21935] dbg: logger: logging level is DBG
[21935] dbg: generic: SpamAssassin version 3.1.6
[21935] dbg: config: score set 0 chosen.
[21935] dbg: util: running in taint mode? no
[21935] dbg: message: ---- MIME PARSER START ----
[21935] dbg: message: main message type: text/plain
[21935] dbg: message: parsing normal part
[21935] dbg: message: added part, type: text/plain
[21935] dbg: message: ---- MIME PARSER END ----
[21935] dbg: dns: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? yes
[21935] dbg: dns: Net::DNS version: 0.59
[21935] dbg: diag: perl platform: 5.008008 linux
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: Digest::SHA1, version 2.11
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: MIME::Base64, version 3.07
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: HTML::Parser, version 3.55
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: DB_File, version 1.814
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::DNS, version 0.59
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::SMTP, version 2.29
[21935] dbg: diag: module not installed: Mail::SPF::Query ('require' failed)
[21935] dbg: diag: module not installed: IP::Country::Fast ('require' failed)
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: Razor2::Client::Agent, version 2.82
[21935] dbg: diag: module not installed: Net::Ident ('require' failed)
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: IO::Socket::INET6, version 2.51
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: IO::Socket::SSL, version 1.01
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: Time::HiRes, version 1.94
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: DBI, version 1.52
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: Getopt::Long, version 2.35
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: LWP::UserAgent, version 2.033
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: HTTP::Date, version 1.47
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: Archive::Tar, version 1.29
[21935] dbg: diag: module installed: IO::Zlib, version 1.04
[21935] dbg: ignore: using a test message to lint rules
[21935] dbg: config: using "/etc/mail/spamassassin" for site rules pre files
[21935] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre
[21935] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/v310.pre
[21935] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/v312.pre
[21935] dbg: config: using "/usr/share/spamassassin" for sys rules pre files
[21935] dbg: config: using "/usr/share/spamassassin" for default rules dir
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: config: using "/etc/mail/spamassassin" for site rules dir
[21935] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/
[21935] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC from @INC
[21935] dbg: dcc: local tests only, disabling DCC
[21935] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC=HASH(0x9200290)
[21935] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor from @INC
[21935] dbg: pyzor: local tests only, disabling Pyzor
[21935] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor=HASH(0x91d68f0)
[21935] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2 from @INC
[21935] dbg: razor2: local tests only, skipping Razor
[21935] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2=HASH(0x921b5b4)
[21935] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SpamCop from @INC
[21935] dbg: reporter: local tests only, disabling SpamCop
[21935] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SpamCop=HASH(0x92344d0)
[21935] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL from @INC
[21935] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL=HASH(0x920e290)
[21935] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AutoLearnThreshold from @INC
[21935] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AutoLearnThreshold=HASH(0x920f274)
[21935] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::WhiteListSubject from @INC
[21935] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::WhiteListSubject=HASH(0x925d774)
[21935] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader from @INC
[21935] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader=HASH(0x925e404)
[21935] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags from @INC
[21935] dbg: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags=HASH(0x92678c4)
[21935] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: /^http:\/\/chkpt\.zdnet\.com\/chkpt\/\w+\/(.*)$/i
[21935] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: /^http:\/\/www(?:\d+)?\.nate\.com\/r\/\w+\/(.*)$/i
[21935] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: /^http:\/\/.+\.gov\/(?:.*\/)?externalLink\.jhtml\?.*url=(.*?)(?:&.*)?$/i
[21935] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: /^http:\/\/redir\.internet\.com\/.+?\/.+?\/(.*)$/i
[21935] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: /^http:\/\/(?:.*?\.)?adtech\.de\/.*(?:;|\|)link=(.*?)(?:;|$)/i
[21935] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: m'^http.*?/redirect\.php\?.*(?<=[?&])goto=(.*?)(?:$|[&#])'i
[21935] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: m'^https?:/*(?:[^/]+\.)?emf\d\.com/r\.cfm.*?&r=(.*)'i
[21935] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: m'/(?:index.php)?\?.*(?<=[?&])URL=(.*?)(?:$|[&#])'i
[21935] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: m'^http:/*(?:\w+\.)?google(?:\.\w{2,3}){1,2}/url\?.*?(?<=[?&])q=(.*?)(?:$|[&#])'i
[21935] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: m'^http:/*(?:\w+\.)?google(?:\.\w{2,3}){1,2}/search\?.*?(?<=[?&])q=[^&]*?(?<=%20|..[=+\s])site:(.*?)(?:$|%20|[\s+&#])'i
[21935] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: m'^http:/*(?:\w+\.)?google(?:\.\w{2,3}){1,2}/search\?.*?(?<=[?&])q=[^&]*?(?<=%20|..[=+\s])(?:"|%22)(.*?)(?:$|%22|["\s+&#])'i
[21935] dbg: config: adding redirector regex: m'^http:/*(?:\w+\.)?google(?:\.\w{2,3}){1,2}/translate\?.*?(?<=[?&])u=(.*?)(?:$|[&#])'i
[21935] dbg: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags=HASH(0x92678c4) implements 'finish_parsing_end'
[21935] dbg: replacetags: replacing tags
[21935] dbg: replacetags: done replacing tags
[21935] dbg: bayes: tie-ing to DB file R/O /root/.spamassassin/bayes_toks
[21935] dbg: bayes: tie-ing to DB file R/O /root/.spamassassin/bayes_seen
[21935] dbg: bayes: found bayes db version 3
[21935] dbg: bayes: DB journal sync: last sync: 0
[21935] dbg: bayes: not available for scanning, only 29 ham(s) in bayes DB < 200
[21935] dbg: bayes: untie-ing
[21935] dbg: bayes: untie-ing db_toks
[21935] dbg: bayes: untie-ing db_seen
[21935] dbg: config: score set 0 chosen.
[21935] dbg: message: ---- MIME PARSER START ----
[21935] dbg: message: main message type: text/plain
[21935] dbg: message: parsing normal part
[21935] dbg: message: added part, type: text/plain
[21935] dbg: message: ---- MIME PARSER END ----
[21935] dbg: bayes: tie-ing to DB file R/O /root/.spamassassin/bayes_toks
[21935] dbg: bayes: tie-ing to DB file R/O /root/.spamassassin/bayes_seen
[21935] dbg: bayes: found bayes db version 3
[21935] dbg: bayes: DB journal sync: last sync: 0
[21935] dbg: bayes: not available for scanning, only 29 ham(s) in bayes DB < 200
[21935] dbg: bayes: untie-ing
[21935] dbg: bayes: untie-ing db_toks
[21935] dbg: bayes: untie-ing db_seen
[21935] dbg: dns: is DNS available? 0
[21935] dbg: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Trusted:
[21935] dbg: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted:
[21935] dbg: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Internal:
[21935] dbg: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-External:
[21935] dbg: message: no encoding detected
[21935] dbg: rules: local tests only, ignoring RBL eval
[21935] dbg: check: running tests for priority: 0
[21935] dbg: rules: running header regexp tests; score so far=0
[21935] dbg: rules: ran header rule __HAS_MSGID ======> got hit: "<"
[21935] dbg: rules: ran header rule __MSGID_OK_DIGITS ======> got hit: "1163076695"
[21935] dbg: rules: ran header rule __SANE_MSGID ======> got hit: "<1163076695@lint_rules>
[21935] dbg: rules: "
[21935] dbg: rules: ran header rule __MSGID_OK_HOST ======> got hit: "@lint_rules>"
[21935] dbg: eval: all '*From' addrs:
[21935] dbg: eval: all '*To' addrs:
[21935] dbg: rules: ran eval rule NO_RELAYS ======> got hit
[21935] dbg: rules: ran eval rule __UNUSABLE_MSGID ======> got hit
[21935] dbg: rules: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=-0.001
[21935] dbg: rules: ran body rule __NONEMPTY_BODY ======> got hit: "I"
[21935] dbg: uri: running uri tests; score so far=-0.001
[21935] dbg: bayes: tie-ing to DB file R/O /root/.spamassassin/bayes_toks
[21935] dbg: bayes: tie-ing to DB file R/O /root/.spamassassin/bayes_seen
[21935] dbg: bayes: found bayes db version 3
[21935] dbg: bayes: DB journal sync: last sync: 0
[21935] dbg: bayes: not available for scanning, only 29 ham(s) in bayes DB < 200
[21935] dbg: bayes: not scoring message, returning undef
[21935] dbg: bayes: DB expiry: tokens in DB: 31743, Expiry max size: 150000, Oldest atime: 1160434968, Newest atime: 1162144012, Last expire: 0, Current time: 1163076695
[21935] dbg: bayes: DB journal sync: last sync: 0
[21935] dbg: bayes: untie-ing
[21935] dbg: bayes: untie-ing db_toks
[21935] dbg: bayes: untie-ing db_seen
[21935] dbg: rules: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=-0.001
[21935] dbg: rules: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=-0.001
[21935] dbg: check: running tests for priority: 500
[21935] dbg: rules: running meta tests; score so far=-0.001
[21935] dbg: rules: running header regexp tests; score so far=1.866
[21935] dbg: rules: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=1.866
[21935] dbg: uri: running uri tests; score so far=1.866
[21935] dbg: rules: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=1.866
[21935] dbg: rules: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=1.866
[21935] dbg: check: running tests for priority: 1000
[21935] dbg: rules: running meta tests; score so far=1.866
[21935] dbg: rules: running header regexp tests; score so far=1.866
[21935] dbg: rules: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=1.866
[21935] dbg: uri: running uri tests; score so far=1.866
[21935] dbg: rules: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=1.866
[21935] dbg: rules: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=1.866
[21935] dbg: check: is spam? score=1.866 required=5

Voici mon

required_hits 5.0
add_header all Report _REPORT_
rewrite_header subject *****SPAM*****
add_header spam Flag _YESNOCAPS_
add_header all Status _YESNO_, score=_SCORE_ required=_REQD_ tests=_TESTS_ autolearn=_AUTOLEARN_ version=_VERSION_
add_header all Level _STARS(*)_
add_header all Checker-Version SpamAssassin _VERSION_ (_SUBVERSION_) on _HOSTNAME_
dns_available test
#dcc_add_header 0
#dcc_path               /usr/bin/dccproc
#use_dcc 1
skip_rbl_checks 1
bayes_auto_learn 1
use_bayes 1
#bayes_path /var/qmail/spamassassin/
#auto_whitelist_path /var/qmail/spamassassin/auto_whitelist
#use_pyzor 1
#use_razor2 1

# How many hits before a message is considered spam.
#required_score           5.0

# Change the subject of suspected spam
#rewrite_header subject         *****SPAM*****

# Encapsulate spam in an attachment (0=no, 1=yes, 2=safe)
#report_safe             1

dcc_home /var/dcc

Portable : Macbok Pro 2,2Ghz Santa Rosa, 2G DDR2, 160G DD+160Go USB2 GeForce 8600GT 15" LED
Serveur : Athlon 2400+ 2Ghz 768MoDDR 120 Go geFoce 4MX Gentoo
Fixe : C2D E6300, 2G DDR2 pc 6400, 320Go+500Go USB2, geForce 7600GS, Antec P150 XP/Gentoo x86
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Joined: 23 Mar 2004
Posts: 490

PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Personne ?? :?
Portable : Macbok Pro 2,2Ghz Santa Rosa, 2G DDR2, 160G DD+160Go USB2 GeForce 8600GT 15" LED
Serveur : Athlon 2400+ 2Ghz 768MoDDR 120 Go geFoce 4MX Gentoo
Fixe : C2D E6300, 2G DDR2 pc 6400, 320Go+500Go USB2, geForce 7600GS, Antec P150 XP/Gentoo x86
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